Terry Fabric Sweatshirt: Express Yourself with Rizmy

Split-Tone Terry Sweatshirt with Screen Print Customization by Rizmy Enterprises

Feel the contrast. Stand out from the crowd.

This unique, half-and-half sweatshirt combines the rugged texture of terry cloth with a striking color combination of crisp white and a smooth, natural skin tone. This is not your average fashionwear – it’s a statement piece that blends edgy style with subtle sophistication.


  • Material: Durable terry fabric for a distinct, textured feel.
  • Color Design: Split down the middle, one side white, the other a natural skin tone for a bold, contrasting look.
  • Pockets: Two spacious flap pockets for added practicality and a touch of vintage-inspired style.
  • Closure: Button closure for a classic and convenient fit.
  • Long Sleeves: Provides warmth and comfort, perfect for layering or cooler weather.
  • Screen Printing: Customize your sweatshirt with your unique design, logo, or branding through Rizmy Enterprises. Rizmy’s expertise ensures high-quality, personalized printing that complements your vision.

More than just a sweatshirt, it’s an opportunity for expression.

Showcase your individuality and brand identity with this customizable half-and-half terry fabric sweatshirt. The unique color combination and durable material make it a conversation starter, while the screen printing lets you add your personal touch. Whether you’re part of a sports team, a creative collective, or simply want to make a statement, this sweatshirt is a versatile canvas for your unique style.


Contact Rizmy Enterprises today to bring your vision to life with this one-of-a-kind half-and-half terry fabric sweatshirt!



Split-Tone Terry Sweatshirt with Screen Print Customization by Rizmy Enterprises

Feel the contrast. Stand out from the crowd.

This unique, half-and-half sweatshirt combines the rugged texture of terry cloth with a striking color combination of crisp white and a smooth, natural skin tone. This is not your average fashionwear – it’s a statement piece that blends edgy style with subtle sophistication.


  • Material: Durable terry fabric for a distinct, textured feel.
  • Color Design: Split down the middle, one side white, the other a natural skin tone for a bold, contrasting look.
  • Pockets: Two spacious flap pockets for added practicality and a touch of vintage-inspired style.
  • Closure: Button closure for a classic and convenient fit.
  • Long Sleeves: Provides warmth and comfort, perfect for layering or cooler weather.
  • Screen Printing: Customize your sweatshirt with your unique design, logo, or branding through Rizmy Enterprises. Rizmy’s expertise ensures high-quality, personalized printing that complements your vision.

More than just a sweatshirt, it’s an opportunity for expression.

Showcase your individuality and brand identity with this customizable half-and-half terry fabric sweatshirt. The unique color combination and durable material make it a conversation starter, while the screen printing lets you add your personal touch. Whether you’re part of a sports team, a creative collective, or simply want to make a statement, this sweatshirt is a versatile canvas for your unique style.


Contact Rizmy Enterprises today to bring your vision to life with this one-of-a-kind half-and-half terry fabric sweatshirt!



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